Tips From Quick Cool Heating & A/C | A Top-Rated HVAC Contractor

The lazy, hazy days are coming quickly, and with that, many will see the fun of barbecues, beaches, and water sports. Not to rain on your parade, but many of us can only stand the extreme temperatures that come with this season for set periods, particularly in the southern regions where it can be sweltering. 

Simply stepping outside in these areas, attempting to get in some physical fitness, or just trying to sleep at night can prove uncomfortable even with an air conditioning unit. Still, the temperatures can be severely hazardous for someone without this fortune. 

This is why air conditioning has become a vital, if not mandatory, addition to every household boasting comfort and convenience that no one would trade. 

More importantly, the systems provide safe, healthy environments that protect people, especially children and the senior population, from those dangers associated with excessive heat. 

However, the equipment will only be as good as the care and upkeep it receives. It’s essential to avoid malfunctions or system shutdowns by employing the services of HVAC contractors for routine maintenance. These experts will inspect the unit as soon as early spring to prepare for summer, looking for any defects and making corrections before these turn into significant problems. 

The professional will also offer guidance on adequate household maintenance to keep the equipment operating optimally in between service calls. Let’s look at some of these tips from top-rated HVAC contractors like Quick Cool Heating and Air Conditioning.

Tips From Quick Cool Heating & A/C | A Top-Rated HVAC Contractor 

When the temperatures get extreme outside, it can quickly become dangerous, especially for children and the senior population who need to remain inside the home in an air-conditioned atmosphere. 

Unfortunately, not all homes have a functional system because the units are neglected or poorly maintained and eventually malfunction or shut down. 

With the intensity of the summer heat, it’s vital, almost mandatory, to have an operational cooling system in each household, particularly if you have anyone at-risk living in the home. 

One way to ensure that these units maintain peak performance is to utilize the services of a top-rated HVAC contractor like Quick Cool Heating and Air Conditioning to perform routine maintenance. 

These contractors will also guide you as the homeowner on adequate household care and upkeep to ensure the equipment remains in optimal condition between servicing. Let’s look at a few tips for keeping the system running smoothly.

  • Make sure to change your air filters

The suggestion is that our indoor air is twice (perhaps more) as polluted than that of the outside. Considering many of us come in from the outdoors to get away from poor air quality, that’s alarming. 

Fortunately, with the air conditioning system, the air filter helps to eliminate some of these pollutants from inside the home. Again, they can only be as good as the care they receive. The recommendation is to replace the filter each month. 

That can help to reduce the energy your system uses. Go here for guidance on saving with air conditioning costs. If you live in a home with pets or an area that might have more allergens or excessive pollen, it’s wise to inspect more frequently and possibly change more often.

  • Keep the condenser unit free of debris and obstructions

The condenser unit is generally located outdoors. It has the potential to become clogged with debris, dirt, and assorted bits of vegetation. The recommendation is to inspect the unit frequently and clear it roughly twice a month as preventive maintenance.

  • The drainage line should be inspected and kept clear

A key factor in how hot we are or feel is the humidity level. In order to get the most benefit from the dehumidification component of an AC unit, ensure the drainage line is routinely inspected and kept clear. 

The debris can be pulled out using a shop vac and then use an application of bleach (one cup poured into the “access opening”). This step is meant to keep algae, mold, and mildew from accumulating.

Final Thought

With each preventative measure you take, mark the calendar to be prepared for the next time. Top contractors like Quick Cool Heating and Air Conditioning will perform routine maintenance generally once each year to keep the system operating at peak performance. 

It’s critical with the sort of sweltering heat most see to keep the equipment a priority with household maintenance for optimum safety and protection from the elements.

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