Understanding Glass balustrades: Thickness And Safety

Glass balustrades have become very popular in recent years. It’s easy to understand why. They allow you to retain a view from a balcony without being affected by the wind. This makes the balcony more usable at all times of the year. They are also excellent at letting light through, helping to keep your house light and airy. 

In fact, glass balustrades are particularly useful on stairs where they can increase the light levels at the bottom of the stairs. This makes the space feel larger, makes it easier to use it, and can transform the surrounding area. 

But, when choosing the best glass balustrades Sydney, you need to remember that not all glass balustrades are created equal. Glass is a heavy substance and it can be deadly if it breaks or falls on you.

This has led to people being cautious about whether a glass balustrade is a good idea as a safety measure. The good news is that it is safe, provided the right thickness levels are adhered to. 

10mm Is A Legal Limit

Australia has strict safety standards for many things, including glass balustrades. Any piece of glass that is acting as a balustrade or even as a divider must be toughened glass and at least 10mm thick. 

Being toughened makes it stronger but it also means, if you do manage to break it, it will fragment into many tiny pieces which will be held together. That eliminates or greatly reduces the likelihood of a bad injury resulting from the glass being smashed. 

It should be noted that 10mm is the legal minimum. It is fine to have much thicker glass but it should still be toughened. 

The Range

You’ll generally find glass balustrades are available in 10mm, 12mm, and 15mm thicknesses. The higher you are and the greater the safety risk, the thicker the glass should be. Legally, 10mm is sufficient. That means you should never install glass balustrades below this thickness. 

But, increasing the thickness can help to give you peace of mind. 

It should be noted that if you’re using glass balustrades to fence a pool area you can use 8mm. This is because it is at ground level and the risk of injury is reduced. But, the glass still needs to be toughened.

The Framing System

You can choose from a wide variety of framing systems. One of the most popular is the invisible one where you can’t see any posts. This maximizes the light effect but does make it more likely that people will walk into it, testing its strength. 

That’s why glass panels with steel framework have become exceptionally popular. They create a stunning look, provide extra strength to the glass panels, and are less likely to be walked into. 

The choice is entirely yours. But, make sure you choose a reputable supplier and that the glass balustrades are at least 10mm thick. That will ensure you comply with the law, your insurance is valid, and your loved ones are kept safe.

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